On Jul 25, 10 21:54, Tomek Sowiński wrote:
bearophile wrote:

Some people have proposed the introduction in Python of the 'where'
statement. It is quite used in Haskell:

printFreqsBySize genome keySize = do
ht0<- htNew keySize
ht<- hashGenome genome keySize ht0
l<- htToList ht
htFree ht
return $ map draw (sortBy sortRule l) ++ [""]
genomeLen = S.length genome
draw :: (S.ByteString, Int) ->  String
draw (key, count) = printf "%s %.3f" (S.unpack key) pct
where pct   = (100 * (fromIntegral count) / total) :: Double
total = fromIntegral (genomeLen - keySize + 1)

It exists in Haskell because functional languages can't describe sequences
(can't declare a temporary variable before the main expression because
there's no "before"). But I don't know Haskell so I may be wrong.


quadraticSum a b = let aSquared = a*a
                       bSquared = b*b in
                         aSquared + bSquared

Anyway, where in D wouldn't bring enough return of investment to break even,


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