> The issue is that the scope keyword is impossible to check against
> escapes without extra additions to the language (e.g. marking a method
> or a function parameter as scoped). Such an uncheckable pattern is best
> left to a library feature, it doesn't deserve a keyword. I agree that
> scoped() has weaknesses that should be looked into, but scope must go.
> Andrei

In D2.0 I like the scope storage for optionally allocating a class on the 
stack, and found a use for it.

The class was  specially designed to be aware of its storage status. 
        class FlexyStore {
        bool isScoped_;

If its not going to be a key word, I would still like to have the 
facility optimized, and if allocating a class on the stack is out, I 
would redesign and use a struct.

Not all patterns may be fully checkable at compile time. Might as well 
ask if any particular program halts. Use with caution. A language is not 
complete if you cannot hang yourself with it.

I did not like putting this as a class property.

scope class RigidStore {


I have difficulty finding online any clear statement of intent, 
rationale, extent, probability or time frame of removal of the keyword.
We must be still in the experimental can do everything with templates 

There are hints on the news group, but an update central documentation of 
future directions. For instance there is a "Future Directions" URL in the 
sidebar menu that has not changed for years, mentions template 
inheritance, array operations, without details. At face value its very un-
impressive, looks like a web page that was bookmarked and then never 
worked on.  There is a more comprehensive D2.0 enhancements, that 
describes Core language changes, but does not mention scope storage.  

It would be good as a community to have the changers publish, explain 
rumours of oncoming changes better.  External communication should 
explicate some things, since the internal brain modules of our changes 
are pressured to communicate and think more, and I can adjust my future 


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