bearophile wrote:
Justin Johansson:
This question is a play on the eternal question
"is mathematics discovery or invention?"

I have seen nothing useful or interesting come out of this discussion, so this 
topic has lost most of the interest for me.

In the context of the D PL, where does D(version n) lie in the continuum
between discovery and invention.

Often the less axioms and building blocks are necessary to design your 
language, the more it seems discovered. So something like this:
or even the core of Lisp look more like discoveries to me.
While D2 is mostly a large aggregate of historical accidents, so I put it quite 
more toward the engineering side of the line :-)


Thanks for the link.  I read it once over though have not thoroughly
absorbed it as yet. However I suspect that material is not relevant
to where I wish to lead this discussion (if I may please).

Please may I also ask my audience if they are aware of the math
term "countably infinite" and the contra-term "uncountably infinite"?

Having such understanding will help me make some hypothesis/conjecture
which all are then more than welcome to criticize or concert with.

btw. any comments made by me in the context of this discussion
thread about D(version N) should equally apply to any other PL.

Justin Johansson

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