Slightly OT: I've noticed you're often missing the word "know" in your posts
(e.g. "I don't what", that should be "I don't know what"). Is something
filtering your posts? :)

And yeah, I've noticed your other thread with the argument names. With a
little bit of regex I could easily extract the variable names. I think this
template could be useful in cases when you just want to try out a function
which happens to writes some state in the parameters that are passed to it
(out/ref params), without having to inspect the function signature and
declare the proper variable types. Unfortunately there's no way to pass auto
variables as parameters, but that's more of a Python territory, I guess.

On the other hand, the template introduces new identifiers silently into the
calling site (you can't see it in the code), so it's not all that practical
I guess, not to mention a little dangerous. :p

On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 10:22 PM, Philippe Sigaud

> Andrej:
>> It was just an exercise for fun but it's cool that things like this are
>> possible in D. It would be nice if I could get the actual names of the
>> parameters the function takes + the clear name of the function itself, that
>> way I'd actually get back variables "ftc, fta, ftm" back)
> There, found it again, while answering another thread:
> int foo(int i, double d) { return 0;}
> writeln(typeof(&foo).stringof); // "int function(int i, double d)" <-- Look
> Ma, arguments names!
> But it's a quirk of .stringof, I'm not sure it's a good idea to rely on it
> too much.
> from there, using compile-time search in a string, you can extract the
> arguments (those are between ( and ) )
> -> "int i, double d"
> and from there, extracting i and d.
> I don't what will happen for overloaded functions, methods names,
> constructors, ...
> Philippe

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