On 2010-08-16 09:08:30 -0400, "Steven Schveighoffer" <schvei...@yahoo.com> said:

On Mon, 16 Aug 2010 08:56:51 -0400, Michel Fortin <michel.for...@michelf.com> wrote:

The idea's not bad, but I think it needs some improvments. For instance, in a struct, I might want some members to be part of the tail and some other not. I believe that should be allowed somehow.

What do you mean "not", meaning they are fully const? Because you can't not apply const to references inside a const struct, that's logical const, and while it might be a nice feature, Walter has steadfastly refused to allow it.

I'm not arguing for logical const. Logical const means that you have an island of non-const inside a const structure. That's not what I meant.

When you want your struct to be tail-const, what it means is that you want the members inside it to be tail-const. The structure itself is not const, just the members, an just the tail of the members.

But do you always want *all* the members to be tail const?

Say your struct is a reference counting smart pointer that works by having two pointers: one points to the actual object, the other points to the reference counter (boost::shared_ptr's design). This smart pointer basically has two tails, one for each internal pointer. But if you apply "tail const" to the smart pointer, you probably only want the pointer to the actual object to be tail-const. That's because making the pointer to the reference counter tail-const would just prevent you from updating the counter, which in turn would prevent you from assigning something different to the smart pointer.

I think what you want for that is to somehow make SmartPtr!(X) implicitly derived from SmartPtr!(const X), you don't want the compiler applying blindly tail-const to all the members.

Michel Fortin

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