retard wrote:
Fri, 20 Aug 2010 15:07:50 -0700, Walter Bright wrote:

retard wrote:
After few hours
of use everything should run as fast as it can.
I kinda don't really want to wait a few hours for my editor to stop

You don't need to use it that long. I only gave a pessimistic estimate on when all JIT compilation stops. Surely the most used features get recompiled faster. The second use of any Java function should already trigger the JIT in some cases. This is a bit unfortunate for desktop applications because the first impression is that everything lags. But the thing is, if you try something TWICE or more, it's orders of magnitude faster.

I should amend that to saying I don't want to wait at all for my editor to work. I go in and out of it too often. It's why I use a small, natively compiled editor. It loads instantly. Even on DOS <g>.

And frankly, it's retarded to compile the same program over and over, every time you use it. Especially when the cost of that I pay for every time I run it.

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