On 8/27/10 18:18 PDT, sybrandy wrote:
> Here's my current version of the logger.  All of the documentation
> should be in the logger.d file.  I also provided a sample config file
> (logger.conf) and a sample test file that I was using for benchmarking
> (main.d).  Let me know if you have any questions.  Feedback on improving
> this is also welcome.
> The one thing I forgot to note in here is that the function that writes
> to the log is passed into the second version of the constructor, which
> needs to be used only once in the code.  A simple log writer is included
> at the bottom of logger.d that does work.  The reason I did this was
> when I initially asked for feedback, I got several ideas on how the
> logger can be improved.  Also, I discussed this with a friend of mine
> who stated that people may want to log to something other than a file,
> such as syslog.  So, instead of trying to make the one "end all be all"
> logger, I felt that by allowing it to accept a function as a parameter
> to the constructor, the person can write to any type of log file,
> database, whatever they want and the logger interface works the same no
> matter what.
> There currently is a bug somewhere that I don't understand.  Even though
> I have "OwnerTerminated" as part of my receive statement, I still see
> exceptions when the program closes.  However, it doesn't seem to affect
> the execution of the logger.
> Enjoy.
> Casey

Thanks. I think we should establish a tradition for reviews on this
forum. The Boost review model has functioned very well, in the sense
that it has consistently produced two outcomes: excellent libraries and
pulp-beaten library authors. So I'd opt if at all possible for a tough
review process that produces good libraries as opposed to a nicey-nicey
process that fosters a low barrier of entry.

As I guess you suspected already, I have a few critical comments about
the proposed libraries. In brief, the library as proposed:

* does stuff that I don't care about (creation of logs, pluggable
writers, overridable logging functions);

* does not do the two fundamental things that all loggers should do.

Those only two things are:

1. Configure logging level during compilation

2. Configure logging level during runtime

If you want to have your library accepted in Phobos, I suggest you take
a very close look at glog's interface and implementation. It's a simple
and robust library used by two major companies that depend on good
logging. To exaggerate a bit, "so"s seat-of-the pants sample code is
closer to the ideal logging library than your current draft. But I am
encouraged by the fact that you went through the aggravation to write
the code and show it to everybody, so hopefully you'll have the
willpower to push this through.



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