So reviews are useless?

2010/8/31 BCS <>:
> Hello Kagamin,
>> dsimcha Wrote:
>>> Of course everyone thinks ~60-70% of what Hollywood puts out is crap.
>>> The problem is that everyone thinks that about a **different**
>>> ~60-70% because different movies cater to different niches.  Having a
>>> single centralized "this movie is crap" authority is how dictatorship
>>> works.  Producing movies even if only a minority thinks they're worth
>>> watching, as long as that minority can pay enough to make it
>>> profitable is how capitalism works.
>> I know, there's a niche for crap.
>> You can replace the question of quality with question of profit. I
>> call it ignorance.
> Everything you like, someone else thinks is crap and someone else thinks is
> offensive. Same goes for me. And everyone else. Any standard chosen by /a
> man/ is arbitrary and not inherently any better than any other.
> --
> ... <IXOYE><

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