On Tue, 31 Aug 2010 19:13:17 +0400, Jacob Carlborg <d...@me.com> wrote:

On 2010-08-31 05:17, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 8/30/10 20:04 PDT, dsimcha wrote:
I've been toying for a long time with the idea of a std.mixins for
Phobos that
would contain meta-implementations of commonly needed boilerplate code
mixing into classes and and structs. I've started to prototype it

So far I have a mixin for struct comparisons, which is useful if you
need a
total ordering for use with sorting or binary trees, but don't care
how that ordering is defined. I've also got a mixin that converts a
class to
a Singleton, and uses thread-safe but efficient mechanisms to deal
with the
__gshared singleton case.

I'm also thinking of creating some mixins to allow cloning of arbitrarily
complicated object graphs, provided that you don't stray outside of
SafeD. Is
this worth implementing or will it likely be solved in some other way
at some

Right now I'd just like to milk the D community for ideas. What other
of boilerplate code do you find yourself writing often that the standard
library should help with?

Sounds like a good idea, but I think the name is not too descriptive as
it refers to mechanism. We shouldn't have std.classes or std.structs in
there, should we? :o) Therefore std.mixins sounds like an awkward way to
group together pieces of functionality that may be very diverse.

FWIW I think you don't need any mixins to implement cloning. But I do
encourage you to work on cloning - I wanted for the longest time and
couldn't get to it. A cloning routine would need to keep a map of
pointer to pointer to make sure in only clones each object in a graph once.


My serialization library Orange (http://dsource.org/projects/orange/) could be used for cloning. The easiest way to do this is just to serialize a value and then deserialize the data and return the new value. Of course this wouldn't be the most efficient way, for that one could build a cloning library/function out of the front end of the serializer.

A generic clone function is a very interesting idea, it is also a safe way of creating immutable copies of mutable data structures (assumeUnique is great but a dangerous one to use).

Now that we talk about serializing, I wrote a serialization library of my own, too :) Unlike yours, it uses binary serialization, though.

What it does is what a Moving GC would do, i.e. compacting objects to use less memory, so de-serialization is done at constant time (unless you need to adjust pointers) and it's also happen to be the most efficient way to object cloning.

I believe binary serialization is the most suitable solution for passing data structures of any complexity between threads, over network or loading resources from disk due to its performance and low memory usage. It also improves data locality, so just cloning your data may lead to a significant speedup in data processing and reduced memory usage.

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