Float (short for "floating point"): The decimal point can "float" around as the value changes (not a literal use of "float", but there's nothing wrong with metaphoric uses of words, even in ordinary speech). This type is named
in contrast to the fixed-point arithmetic that was often used as an
old-school optimization (where the decimal point was always at a fixed
location, for example, the high 16-bits may have been the whole-number part,
and the low 16-bits may have been the decimal part).

Double: This one's easy: It's double the size of a float.

I know what they are, but at the same time was expecting you to get the point :)

When you need a compile-time type in C/C++ mostly you don't need a type, just :
enum { value = 10 }; // Also, this is suggested over const

Coming from C/C++ enum constants are pretty straightforward as compile-time constants. And please, it is only 4 letters. (In case you missed, they are e, n, u, m. They are the 4 best looking
characters on every editor!)

This reminds me the "retro" case, where most argue against and making up names such like reverseAndSomeOtherUglyNonsense. Anyone here got trouble understanding what "enum" is and what it does? No, It wasn't the case in retro either.

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