"Jacob Carlborg" <d...@me.com> wrote in message 
> On 2010-09-01 14:52, Torarin wrote:
>> TDPL says it should work for any type.
>> http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=3382
>> 2010/9/1 Nick Sabalausky<a...@a.a>:
>>> "dsimcha"<dsim...@yahoo.com>  wrote in message
>>> news:i5jtdn$1g4...@digitalmars.com...
>>>> Isn't this a core language feature that's in the spec but is only
>>>> currently
>>>> implemented for arrays?  I thought eventually uniform function call 
>>>> syntax
>>>> was
>>>> coming for classes and structs, too.
>>> I've been really wishing for a long time that would actually happen. 
>>> It's
>>> annoying enough not to be able to do it for most types, but then the 
>>> fact
>>> that it's special-cased at all is a bit of a bizarre inconsistency.
> I'm not completely sure but I think someone said that the float literal 
> syntax (.1 and 1.) is ambiguous with the uniform function call syntax.

I seem to remember a discussion about it being ambiguous with some proposed 
inclusing-range syntax. And yes, I can imagine that float syntax also being 
ambiguous with uniform function call syntax.

But I also remember a certain someone (me!...plus some others) saying that 
.1 and 1. float literals are completely worthless and in the face of 
ambiguity with *useful* things, they need to DIE DIE DIE!!!

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