"Olivier Pisano" <olivier.pis...@laposte.net> wrote in message 
> Le 02/09/2010 13:38, bearophile a écrit :
>> dennis:
>>> http://blog.t-l-k.com/dot-net/2009/c-sharp-4-covariance-and-contravariance
>> I think D2 doesn't support those things yes. But they are useful and may 
>> be added to D3.
>> Bye,
>> bearophile
> I was sure D did support covariance for the return types of overriden 
> methods.

The OP was talking about this:

class TemplClass(T) {}
class Base {}
class Derived : Base {}

And then having some way to have TemplClass!Derived considered to be derived 
from TemplClass!Base, or the other way around. 

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