Simen Kjaeraas <> wrote in news:i6stke$o0v$1

> Here's a draft of something I'd like to see. I like having the ten
> commandments, with #0 not really counting. C&C welcome.
>                           == The D Manifesto ==

Please don't call it a manifesto.  A statement of design goals or design 
principles says, "This is what we want to do."  A manifesto says, "This is 
what everybody should want to do.  This is exactly why the Date/Darwen 
manifesto choose that word.  D is a good language.  (I am forced to use 
Visual dBase in my day job, so I find D to be a really, Really, REALLY good 
language).  There are other good languages out there. There is no reason 
that all systems/general purpose languages should have the same design 
goals or priorities.  The word "manifesto" suggests we think otherwise. C++ 
programmers already have an "if it is not The Next Big Thing in Programming 
Languages, then why bother" attitude toward D.  We don't want them to think 
of us as kooky zealots was well.

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