On Fri, 24 Sep 2010 10:33:10 -0400, Robert Jacques <sandf...@jhu.edu> wrote:

On Fri, 24 Sep 2010 09:32:40 -0400, Steven Schveighoffer <schvei...@yahoo.com> wrote:
structs can have value copy semantics. But for a struct that contains a reference, the references have reference semantics, which makes the struct a reference type.

A struct is never a reference type. It may have reference semantics, but this is a high-order feature that is uncheckable by the compiler. At best the compiler can detect that a struct contains references, not how those references are exposed/managed by the API.

Containing references means it cannot be cast to immutable, the only important thing when determining the strength of purity here.

This whole discussion is going nowhere, you haven't made any real points. Can you think of a case where the compiler would be wrong in determining purity strength for "value types" as you define them? An example would be most helpful.


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