Hi Justin,

I am using a struct as a discriminated union in my version of the concurrency framework, and it all seems to work just fine. Here is a code fragment from the code that implements a simple protocol. The code is generated by a template, so it is very easy to crank out a message struct with lots of different kinds of payload.

struct jobMsg {
    string name;
    this(string name) {
         this.name = name;
    void read(InStream stream) {
         name = stream.get!string;
    void write(OutStream stream) {
struct Message {
    uint kind;
    union {
        jobMsg job;
    this(ref jobMsg msg) {
        kind = 0;
        job = msg;
    this(InStream stream) {
        kind = stream.get!uint;
        switch(kind) {
            case 0: job.read(stream); break;
            default: assert(0, "Cannot read unsupported message kind");
    void write(OutStream stream) {
        switch(kind) {
            case 0: job.write(stream); break;
            default: assert(0, "Cannot write unsupported message kind");

On 23/09/10 21:58, Justin Johansson wrote:
On 23/09/2010 10:14 PM, bearophile wrote:
Justin Johansson:

One of the problems with C++ is that it is not possible
to create unions with non-primitive members (e.g. structs)
that have constructors.

Do you mean something like this?

struct S1 {
     int y;
     this(int x) { y = x; }

struct S2 {
     string t;
     this(string s) { t = s; }

union U {
     S1 s1;
     S2 s2;

static U u2 = { s2:S2("hello") };

void main() {
     U u = U(S1(10));
     assert(u.s1.y == 10);
     u.s2 = S2("hello");
     assert(u.s2.t == "hello");
     // U u3 = U(S2("hello")); // not possible

Yes, but not yes; something like that.  You are obviously
one step ahead of me so perhaps I should give up or else
post the exact problem in C++.  Still, it looks likes
from what you have shown that D has some better union
construction syntax than C++.

I hope others can throw in their 2 cents.


Graham St Jack

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