On 30/09/2010 19:31, bearophile wrote:
Bruno Medeiros:

I think that medium and large
scale projects are simply much more important and interesting than small
scale ones.

I am hoping this would become an *explicit* point of D design goals, if
it isn't already.
And I will campaign against (so to speak), people like you who think
small scale is more important. No personal animosity intended though.

Note: I am not stating that is is not possible to be good, even great,
at both things (small and medium/large scale).

This is an interesting topic of practical language design, it's a wide problem 
and I can't have complete answers.

D2 design is mostly done, only small parts may be changed now, so those 
campaigns probably can't change D2 design much.

I'm not so sure about that. Probably backwards-incompatible changes will be very few, if any. But there can be backwards-compatible changes, or changes to stuff that was not mentioned in TDPL. And there may be a D3 eventually (a long way down the road though) But my main worry is not language changes, I actually think it's very unlikely Walter and Andrei would do a language change that intentionally would adversely affect medium/large scale programs in favor of small scale programs. My main issue is with the time and thinking resources that are expended here in the NG when people argue for changes (or against other changes) with the intention of favoring small-scall programs. If this were explicit in the D design goals, it would help save us from these discussions (which affect NG readers, not just posters).

The name of the Scala language means that it is meant to be a scalable 
language, this means it is designed to be useful and usable for both large and 
quite small programs.

Whoa wait. From my understanding, Scala is a "scalable language" in the sense that it easy to add new language features, or something similar to that. But lets be clear, that's not what I'm talking about, and neither is scalability of program data/inputs/performance. I'm talking about scalability of source code, software components, developers, teams, requirements, planning changes, project management issues, etc..

A language like Ada is not a bad language. Programming practice shows that in 
many situations the debug time is the larger percentage of the development of a 
program. So minimizing debug time is usually a very good thing. Ada tries hard 
to avoid many common bugs, much more than D (it has ranged integers, integer 
overflows, it defines a portable floating point semantics (despite there is a 
way to use the faster IEEE semantics), it forces to use clear interfaces 
between modules (much more explicit ones than D ones), it never silently 
changes variable types, its semantics is fully specified, there are very 
precise Ada semantics specs, all Ada compilers must pass a very large test 
suite, and so on and on). In practice the language is able to catch many bugs 
before they happen.

So if you want to write a program in critical situations, like important 
control systems, Ada is a language better than Perl, and probably better than D 
too :-)

Yet, writing programs in Ada is not handy, if you need to write small programs 
you need lot of boilerplate code that is useful only in larger programs. And 
Ada is a Pascal-like language that many modern programmers don't know/like. Ada 
looks designed for larger, low-bug-count, costly (and often well planned out 
from the beginning, with no specs that change with time) programs, but it's not 
handy to write small programs. Probably Ada is not the best language to write 
web code that has to change all the time. Today Ada is not a dead language, but 
it smells funny, it's not commonly used.

Certainly it's not just web code that can change all the time.
But I'm missing your point here, what does Ada have to do with this?

Andrei has expressed the desire to use D2 as a language to write script-like 
programs too. I think in most cases a language like Python is better than D2 to 
write small script-like programs, yet I agree with Andrei that it's good to try 
to make D2 language fit to write small script-like programs too, because to 
write such programs you need a very handy language, that catches/avoids many 
simple common bugs quickly, gives you excellent error messages/stack traces, 
and allows you to do common operations on web/text files/images/sounds/etc in 
few lines of code. My theory is that later those qualities turn out to be 
useful even in large programs. I think such qualities may help D avoid the Ada 

The ability to write small programs with D is also useful to attract programmers to D, 
because if in your language you need to write 30 lines long programs to write a 
"hello world" on the screen then newcomers are likely to stop using that 
language after their first try.

Designing a language that is both good for small and large programs is not easy, but it 
is a worth goal. D module system must be debugged&  finished&  improved to 
improve the usage of D for larger programs. Some features of the unittesting and design 
by contract currently missing are very useful if you want to use D to write large 
programs. If you want to write large programs reliability becomes an important concern, 
so integer overflow tests and some system to avoid null-related bugs (not-nullable 
types and more) become useful or very useful.


Yeah, I actually think D (or any other language under design) can be quite good at both things. Maybe something like 90% of features that are good for large-scale programs are also good for small-scale ones.

One of the earliest useful programs I wrote in D, was a two-page bash shell script that I converted to D. Even though it was just abut two pages, it was already hard to extend and debug. After converting it to D, with the right shortcut methods and abstractions, the code actually manage to be quite succint and comparable, I suspect, to code in Python or Perl, or languages like that. (I say suspect because I don't actually know much about Python or Perl, but I simply didn't see much language changes that could have made my D more succint, barring crazy stuff like dynamic scoping)

Bruno Medeiros - Software Engineer

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