On Tue, 05 Oct 2010 16:24:02 -0400, Gour D. <g...@atmarama.net> wrote:

On Tue, 05 Oct 2010 23:59:07 +0400
"Denis" == "Denis Koroskin" <2kor...@gmail.com> wrote:

Denis> ...increasingly more people are unsatisfied with D2 and talking
Denis> about a fork so I wouldn't be surprised to see one sooner or
Denis> later (!)

Unsatisfied that D2 changed (too) much or with bugs and development in

To me, it looks very early to fork D2...

I think the blog mentions forking D1 and adding certain useful features from D2.

Forking D1 might be the only way to add new features to it. I think many yearn for some of the useful, stable features of D2, but aren't willing to put up with the not-yet-cooked features of D2. You don't have a choice at the moment, if you want D2 features, you must use D2, and the only up-to-date implementation of it -- dmd. On top of that, phobos is a long way from being finished, but it is progressing rapidly, there are many good developers working on it (as opposed to DMD which has 3).

I personally do not share that pessimistic view, and I don't think I'll ever go back to D1 anyways, since the D1 phobos library is pretty underpowered. D2/phobos2 will get there, perhaps in a year or so.


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