"Jonathan M Davis" <jmdavisp...@gmx.com> wrote in message 
> On Friday, October 08, 2010 13:56:14 Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>> Additionally, with that understanding in place, this:
>> @property void foo(int x)  {...}
>> (3).foo();
>> Is probably the one place where UFC syntax should never be allowed, 
>> because
>> it's obviously a setter, and since when does this ever make any sence:
>> int x;
>> (3).x; // Set x to 3?? WTF??
> If literals are considered const or immutable, then this takes care of 
> itself,
> since then the type system would then disallow it.

Maybe hunger is blinding me ATM, but don't see how. Unless it would also 
prevent this:

void bar(int a) {...}
bar(3); // Cannot implicitly cast away immutable

But that would obviously be a bad thing. And even at that, there's still 
this that would need to be prevented:

@property void foo(int x)  {...}
int x = cast(int)3;
x.foo; // Set foo to 3 with stupid syntax

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