On 08/10/2010 00:39, Tomek Sowiński wrote:
What's the halting problem?

Basically, it's the challenge of determining algorithmically whether an arbitrary algorithm given arbitrary input will eventually halt or carry on running forever.

The point is that the halting problem is known to be unsolvable. The standard proof of this is as follows. Suppose the halt analyser algorithm we seek exists. Call it WillHalt(Algorithm, Input). Then we can consider WillHalt(Algorithm, Algorithm).

Then we can define a new algorithm, LoopIfHaltsOnItself(Algorithm), defined as

if WillHalt(Algorithm, Algorithm) then
    loop forever

Now try to analyse the outcome of LoopIfHaltsOnItself(LoopIfHaltsOnItself).

Personally, I think it's a shame that the halting problem can't be solved. If it could, we could use it to solve many mathematical problems that have as it happens remained unsolved for centuries.


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