Thank you for helping me understand.


On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 8:39 AM, Simen kjaeraas <>wrote:

> Michael Stover <> wrote:
>  I am under the impression that passing a pointer to a static function (ie,
>> passing a pointer to a memory address that contains the starting point of
>> a
>> function) is not the same as defining a method that can be called by name
>> from C code.  I am not a C expert though.
> Well, yes and no. Given
> extern( C ) returnType myFunc( /* args */ ) {}
> You still have no function pointer to it. That is however easy to procure:
> someCfunctionThatExpectsAfnPointer( &myFunc );
> It could be that there is some hidden detail of C static functions that I
> don't know, but i believe this works.
>  Can one call fortran libraries from D?  Ie, say one wanted to use LAPACK
>> from D?
> uses LAPACK, so I guess it is possible.
>  Also, know of any mathematical libraries written in D (like
>> implementations
>> of runge-kutta, linear algebra routines and data structures, optimization
>> or
>> curve-fitting algorithms)?
> At least some of this has been mentioned time and time again on the
> newsgroup, you should be able to find it by searching.
> From
> --
> Simen

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