On Mon, 18 Oct 2010 17:39:46 +0200
>>>>>> "Andrej" == Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

Andrej> This is cool! I was going to look for some SWIG-like tools
Andrej> these days. I saw the swig4d project on dsource, but it's page
Andrej> says it's abandoned. I didn't know there was an active on
Andrej> github. Thanks.

And today I went and skimmed over Swig's docs...Boy, it has improved a
LOT since I was looking at it some years ago.

It seems I can tweak D-side of the interface to bring some type-safety
to the bindings (something I was accustomed to while being in Haskell
world where one can tailor Haskell side of the data and have types
checked at compile time).

Otoh, it would be nice if someone could clear this stalled data on
dsource.org which just helps spreading FUD about D.



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