Why not creating a DLL/so based Lexer/Parser based on the existing DMD front end.? It could be always up to date. Necessary Steps. functional wrappers around C++ classes, Implementing the visitor pattern (AST), create std.lex and std.parse..

my 2 cents

On 22/10/2010 00:01, Walter Bright wrote:
As we all know, tool support is important for D's success. Making tools
easier to build will help with that.

To that end, I think we need a lexer for the standard library -
std.lang.d.lex. It would be helpful in writing color syntax highlighting
filters, pretty printers, repl, doc generators, static analyzers, and
even D compilers.

It should:

1. support a range interface for its input, and a range interface for
its output
2. optionally not generate lexical errors, but just try to recover and
3. optionally return comments and ddoc comments as tokens
4. the tokens should be a value type, not a reference type
5. generally follow along with the C++ one so that they can be
maintained in tandem

It can also serve as the basis for creating a javascript implementation
that can be embedded into web pages for syntax highlighting, and
eventually an std.lang.d.parse.

Anyone want to own this?

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