On 10/23/2010 10:53, Kagamin wrote:
> It's how their language builds numbers. Numbers written in ideographs
> use this grouping, but this doesn't mean, they use the same grouping
> for arabic digits. For example, amazon.co.jp uses arabic numbers and
> western 3-digit grouping.

Using groupings of three digits in Japanese seems extremely awkward,
especially for larger numbers, since you would have to mentally regroup
the digits in groups of four in order to read it.  It's not just the
written language but the spoken language that uses groups of four.  For
example, the number 1,234,567,890 would be read as 12億, 3456万, 7890.

If amazon.jp uses groups of three, then my initial reaction is
"imperfect localization".

Also, even in English there are cases where groupings other than three
make sense.  Consider:

int price_in_cents = 54_95;

Rainer Deyke - rain...@eldwood.com

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