On 10/26/10 9:07 CDT, Leandro Lucarella wrote:
Dmitry Olshansky, el 26 de octubre a las 12:54 me escribiste:
On 26.10.2010 7:42, Walter Bright wrote:
Rainer Deyke wrote:
On 10/25/2010 19:01, Walter Bright wrote:
Yes, we discussed it before. The Digital Mars C/C++ compiler does this,
Not one person in 25 years has ever even commented on it. Nobody
commented on its lack in dmd.

I think someone just did.

Only because clang made a marketing issue out of it. Nobody coming
>from dmc++ noticed.

I used to point out this feature in dmc++ to users. Nobody cared,
I'd just get blank looks. Why would I drop it if people wanted it?

Clang did have a nice idea with the spelling corrector. I
implemented it in dmc and dmd, and got flak for "wasting time" by
adding it. I still like it, though, and think it's an improvement
I actually like this  spell-checking thing. It was of great help to
me, especially while I was just learning D, all those new funny
function names...

I'm looking to you, Andrei!!!

I'm ducking.


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