Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:
> FWIW this matter is still tormenting me. It gridlocks work on ranges, 
> algorithms, and containers.
Here's my take: it seems in both cases you're arguing about contorting 
something in the name of a relatively niche construction. In one case, it's 
designing libraries around the possibility that you might have an 
expensive-to-copy value type, and in the other you seem to be seriously 
contorting the very idea of "value type" itself.

I'm sort of wondering where all these expensive-to-copy value types are going 
to come from. It's not like writing an expensive-to-copy struct is likely to be 
something you do by accident, right? I can't think of a case where someone just 
does it because they know better.

A programmer coming from C is likely to naively treat D structs like C structs, 
and be fine.

A programmer coming from Java# or a dynamic scripting language is probably 
going to be happier sticking to classes and their comforting and familiar 
reference semantics when they're getting started. 

That leaves programmers coming from C++, who are likely to know what they're 
getting themselves into, or more experienced D programmers, who again are 
likely to know what they're getting themselves into.

I think this is a definite worse-is-better situation. Just assume that value 
types don't have randomly expensive copies in the standard library code, while 
letting people who want to take the risk of shooting themslves in the foot 
shoot themselves in the foot by having this(this) open an HTTP collection to 
Alpha Centauri if that's what they really want.


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