
> I should also mention that you can change all of these languages quite a 
> bit with a special library crafted for this purpose. If you want to use D 
> for bash style scripting, it's very possible to provide a clean set of 
> shortcut methods and use method "chaining" (e.g. directory.findAllMatching
> ("foo").filter("bar").copy("floppy drive") ) 
> Since a trivial library would change the results that much, I find this 
> scriptometer quite pointless..

Are those shortcuts currently present in the D standard library? No, they 
aren't. So it's not a pointless comparison. The purpose of that comparison is 
to show how much good a language+library is for those scripting purposes. 
Python is good because it has batteries included. Perl is "good" because it has 
CPAN. Both languages are usable for those scripting purposes.


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