Fri, 05 Nov 2010 13:36:18 -0400, bearophile wrote:
> Walter:
>> It's been around a while, and nobody cares. Such a capability is
>> marketing puffery, and not useful.

> If you go take a visit to the IRC #D channel you see an tool based on
> codepad that allows to try snippets of code from the IRC channel itself.
> A tool often used by feep and others.
> So you are wrong, ideone/codepad are used by people, are good marketing,
> allow people to try D before installing the compiler and they don't harm
> D in any way.

It feels like these introvert academic profs and compiler developers with 
huge beards are actually getting more pragmatic than our BDFL. They 
regularly visit their IRC channels and are fluently using these online 
tools. They even adopted open source version control tools and public 
repositories before Walter did. Just take a look at Scala's trac.. This 
shouting from the "pragmatic" ivory tower is getting out of touch with 

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