Don napisał:

> Pure functions are allowed to read immutable global variables.
> Currently, this even includes globals which are initialized from inside
> 'static this()'.
> Here's an example of how this can be a problem:
> immutable int unstable;
> pure int buggy() { return unstable; }
> static this() {
>      // fails even though buggy is pure
>      assert( buggy() == ( ++unstable , buggy() ) );
> }

Interesting. It looks like more of a problem with initialization of immutables, 
though. I think we're in need for rules governing access to immutable 
globals in static constructors, e.g.

module A;
immutable int immut;
static this() {
    foo(immut); // error, reading an uninitialized immutable
    immut = 5; // ok, initializing immutable
    foo(immut); // ok, reading an initialized immutable
    immut = 4; // error, mutating an initialized immutable

In the real world outside static this() the approach is healthy -- mutating an 
immutable variable is allowed only in a very narrow time-slice just to allow 
publishing. The post-init use of the immutable is constrained by the 
compiler armed with a const-aware type system. The pre-init time is also 
protected because there is no symbol representing an uninitialized 
immutable variable others can refer to (it doesn't exist before 
But inside static constructors immutables can be mutated at will, that's 
where the problems come from.


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