Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On Wednesday 10 November 2010 13:01:55 Jens Mueller wrote:
> > > So, while I don't necessarily see anything wrong with calling fun() in
> > > this situation being legal, I don't see the point.
> > 
> > My main point is that I'd like to know what is implemented as in
> > mentioned TDPL and what isn't.
> I suspect that someone like Don or Walter would have to answer in this case. 
> They're the most likely to know what the compiler is actually doing vs what 
> they 
> intend it to do. A bug report on it should likely be opened though, since it 
> doesn't match TDPL. Either it needs to be fixed to match TDPL (which is 
> likely in 
> this case), or it needs to be made clear what behavior it's supposed to have, 
> at 
> which point the TDPL errata should be updated.

I added a report.
Thanks for your help.


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