Is there an easy explanation of why I cannot do:

        real partialSum ( immutable Tuple ! ( long , long , real )
        data )

but instead have to do:

        real partialSum ( T ... ) ( T data )

to be frank I really don't get this latter which is what compiles -- I
have no idea if it works yet there are other problems with my code.
Specifically, how do I create an array of tuples?  TDPL has little on
tuples (p.163 basically) and the online manual has little as well.  I

        auto inputData = Tuple ! ( long , long , real )
        [ numberOfThreads ] ;

but this errors out with:

        pi_d2_parallelMap.d(26): Error: template instance template 'Tuple' is 
not defined
        pi_d2_parallelMap.d(26): Error: Tuple!(long,long,real) must be an array 
or pointer type, not void

what is worse trying to set values in the array:

        foreach ( i ; 0 .. numberOfThreads ) { inputData[i] = tuple ( 1 + i * 
sliceSize , ( i + 1 ) * sliceSize , delta ) ; }

I get the error:

        pi_d2_parallelMap.d(27): Error: undefined identifier tuple

Please tell me I am being stupid and that I should read some specific
reference of TFM :-)


Dr Russel Winder      t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip:
41 Buckmaster Road    m: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp:
London SW11 1EN, UK   w:  skype: russel_winder

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