Am 13.11.2010 11:56, schrieb spir:
On Fri, 12 Nov 2010 16:39:54 -0500
bearophile<>  wrote:

The "Image Noise" task asks:
Generate a random black and white 320x240 image continuously, showing FPS 
(frames per second).

This is the PureBasic implementation, it's far from being nice, but it's short 
and it's doesn't contain lot of magic:

I don't know if D will have a built-in GUIs kit (like Delphi or Tcl), but how much 
simple&short will be a D implementation of the "Image Noise" task?

Even if D will not have a built-in GUI kit included in its standard 
distribution zip, is it worth having in Phobos a basic graphics interface, so 
writing simple graphics programs will be standard, regardless the usage of GTK, 
WX, Aero, or other systems under it?

I'm 100% for this proposal. Not necessarily in Phobos -- but having such a tool 
available for quick&  easy graphical output, such as drawing a function's 
curve, is definitely a great idea.

Now, the PureBasic example does this via a GUI/event loop window. It's not what 
I have in mind for my use cases. Rather, I would be in favor of a simple 
graphic frame that could be used like in good old times we used to draw 
directly on the video -- when this was easy to do, just using x,y pixel 
coordinates. Optionnally, a set of plotting/drawing routines, including vector 
image primitives.
(An inspiration for this may be Logo.)

I have no idea how to implement the base graphic frame, but once it's in place, 
I would certainly help in feeding the module with useful routines.

-- -- -- -- -- -- --
vit esse estrany ☣

I'm working on some basic graphic-routines in d
inspired by

Maybe this will be helpfull!

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