Daniel Gibson wrote:
Stanislav Blinov schrieb:
spir wrote:

I think the compiler should complain when sub-classes hold fields with the same name as super-classes. After all, names (in addition to types) are used to identify. Intentionally reusing the same name would not only be bad design, but open the door to hidden bugs.

This issue has been brought up several times before. I myself see no harm in this shadowing, though making a compiler issue a warning
when shadowing *public* fields occurs would be a good thing.
Shadowing non-public fields, in my opinion, is harmless, and preventing it would actually narrow down name choice with each subsequent subclassing.

No, only shadowing private fields is harmless (because the sub-class can't access them anyway), but shadowing protected fields is about as bad as shadowing public fields.

Well, yes. Even shadowing of private fields is as bad as long as a subclass is in the same module as base class. Come to think of it, maybe, it'd be better if the compiler warned about shadowing whenever shadowed name is directly visible, not just in case of public fields.

Though the problem fully manifests itself in client code, where only public members are exposed.

The other option that comes to mind is simply disallow public fields for classes. This may sound too strict, but I think that public fields is something that's not as usable for classes as for structs.

Disallowing public fields is too restrictive IMHO.

Maybe. I just always view public fields as encapsulation breakers. And silent invariant breakers. And maintenance cripplers :)

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