On 11/15/10 7:31 AM, flyinghearts wrote:
Page 8, in the example:

import std.stdio, std.string;

void main()
   uint[string] dictionary;
   foreach (line; stdin.byLine()) {
   // Break sentence into words
   // Add each word in the sentence to the vocabulary
     foreach (word; splitter(strip(line))) {
       if (word in dictionary) continue; // Nothing to do
       auto newlD = dictionary.length;
       dictionary[word] = newlD;
          //Notice: the following line is not exist in the book.
          //foreach(k, v; dictionary) writeln(k, " ", dictionary[k]);

There is a buffer reuse problem. The program does not work rightly on my
machine(win xp, DMD 2.050). Moreover, an error, "object.Error: Access
Violation", may occur when the associate array is directly accessed. It can be
tested just by uncommenting the line begin with "//foreach", and setting the
input data as:
a b
b c

The solution to the problem is:

dictionary[word]  ->    dictionary[word.idup]
strip(line)       ->    strip(line.dup)

dmd bug, fixed recently.



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