> As I said before, I don't know if the thread being created by the
> windows service procedure is properly initializing the D modules of the
> library/runtime.  Try as the first line of ServiceMain to initialize the
> current thread:
> auto mythread = thread_attachThis();
> see http://www.digitalmars.com/d/2.0/phobos/core_thread.html
> -Steve


I don't think it gets as far as ServiceMain. Anyway, I tried it there, 
and at the point just before the first WINAPI call, but it still crashes.

I can fix it, by making my statically initialized RegExp objects __gshared 
or immutable, but the latter involves inserting a slew of tedious casts 
into my XML parser, since RexExp calls are used all over the place.

See my separate post for my thoughts on that.


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