On 11/21/2010 1:13 AM, Jimmy Cao wrote:
I can't reproduce it on Windows 7 with dmd 2.050.

On Sat, Nov 20, 2010 at 12:45 AM, Tyro[a.c.edwards] <nos...@home.com
<mailto:nos...@home.com>> wrote:

    The following:

    import std.regex;

    void main()
            string s = "$,";
            replace(s, regex("$",","), ""); // Is this possible?  If so,
    what is the propper way to do it?
            assert(s == "", s);

    Compiled with dmd.2.039, 042, 048, and 049 but yields a runtime error:
    object.Exception: unrecognized attribute

That bit of info actually fixed linker error portion of my problem. Seems my copy of dmd 2.050 got corrupted. Trying to run the program still results in the runtime error above. Any ideas?


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