On 2010-12-06 00:16:27 -0500, Graham St Jack <graham.stj...@internode.on.net> said:

First, I have to say that it is wonderful that someone is taking a serious look at this area again, and even better, you have come up with a compiler patch to make it happen!

Some questions (assuming your patch or something like it gets into dmd):

Does this mean that I would be able to write this:
immutable(Foo)ref foo; // create a reference
foo = new immutable(Foo)(); // re-bind it (not sure about "new" syntax for immutables)

That's the whole point yes. This syntax works with my patch. :-)

Are there any other show-stopping syntax issues that are holding up widespread adoption/rollout of const-correctness?

Surly there are others issues to solve. But this one is the one I kept falling into when trying to use immutable objects in my code some time ago.

What do Walter and Andrei think?

That I'd like to know.

Michel Fortin

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