(2010/12/10 5:14), Rainer Schuetze wrote:

A DLL gets notified in its entrypoint DllMain about new threads. When it
receives such a notification, it mainly does the following:

if( !thread_findByAddr( GetCurrentThreadId() ) )
if( !_moduleinfo_tlsdtors_i ) // avoid duplicate calls

You might want to try inserting this snippet into your callback.


Thank you!

$ type a.d
import win32.windows;
import win32.mmsystem;
import std.stdio;
import core.thread;

extern (Windows)
void waveInProc(in HWAVEIN handle, in uint message, in DWORD instance, in DWORD param1, in DWORD param2)
    if( !thread_findByAddr( GetCurrentThreadId() ) )
    if( !_moduleinfo_tlsdtors_i ) // avoid duplicate calls

    int[] a;
    int[] b = a.dup;
$ bud a /Ldetailedmap -g -full
$ ddbg a
-> r
Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION(0xc0000005) at gc.gcx.Gcx.__invariant src\gc\gcx.d:1553 (0x0041e507) thread(6136)


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