On Thursday 09 December 2010 20:04:22 Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> The D website is 404'ing for the library page:
> http://d-programming-language.org/phobos/phobos.html
> And I've had an idea to make the documentation website a little easier to
> navigate. Here's what the docs look like with their old design:
> http://imgur.com/8Vdrj.jpg
> Now, that's quite a mess to look at. The text isn't aligned or anything so
> it doesn't look that good, and you can't really tell which of those names
> are functions, class definitions or enums, etc.
> So I just quickly sketched out what I'd like to see instead:
> http://imgur.com/0lufR.jpg
> Disregard the off coloring, font sizes, and my general lack of design
> skills please :). The main point is to put the links in a table so they're
> aligned and easier to browse, and maybe even categorize all the names by
> their type (functions/enums/etc).
> I'm pretty sure adding a table is trivial, but I don't know if we can
> automatically categorize all the names and put them in separate tables.
> Thoughts?

I think that most people want something similar to that. I think that the real 
issue is that someone has to sit down and do it. IIRC Yao G. had something 
but hadn't gotten working all the way yet.

At some point, we do need something that shows all of the module functions 
separate from the types in the function and the member functions associated 
each type with the type rather than mixed in with the module functions.

What you show seems reasonable (aside from the fact that most of what you list 
as functions are types, but I assume that that's because it's a mock up), and 
would definitely be an improvement. I think what many people would like to see 
would be a collapsible tree of some kind, but what you show is definitely 
than what we currently have, and presumably it would be easier to do.

- Jonathan M Davis

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