On 10-dic-10, at 18:02, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

thanks for the answers

On Friday 10 December 2010 03:18:29 Fawzi Mohamed wrote:
On 10-dic-10, at 01:26, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Jonathan M. Davis has diligently worked on his std.datetime
proposal, and it has been through a few review cycles in this

It's time to vote. Please vote for or against inclusion of datetime
into Phobos, along with your reasons.

Thank you,


I think it is quite complete and usable, lot of work obviously went
into this,...
an clearly after the praise comes a "but"... so here are my comments
on it, some are just personal preferences

- I would split the unittests to a separate test module, I like having unittests, but having many of them make the code more difficult for me to skim through, and grasp, one test (example) can be useful, but lots
of the hide the code structure.
Maybe it is just my personal preference, but I like compact code, code
that can be read, and so many unittests stop the flow of my reading.

This has been discussed a time or two. D really isn't set up to work that way. Yoo can't just move them over because then those that need private access won't work. The lack of named unittest blocks really hurts that as well. You _could_
turn them into mixins of some kind, but that could get quite messy.

But honestly, I find it _way_ easier to maintain the code with each unittest block immediately following the function that it's testing. The interval code is quite irritating precisely because I couldn't put the tests next to the code (since it's templatized it just didn't work in that case). I agree that it does harm your ability to skim through the code, but the ddoc html files let you skim the API, and I really di think think it's more maintainable this way. Besides, if we really want to, we can change that sort of thing later. Exactly how the unit tests are handled doesn't affect the public API or the general useability of
the module.

ok, sorry I hadn't followed the discussion, as I said that is just my personal perference.

- I would split this into several modules
(Timezone,SysTime,TimeDate,Clock), and if you want a "helper" module
that make a public export.
Modules should be used to define modules/namespaces, using classes
seems a misuse to me (I am looking a Clock for example, which is a
separated functionality imho).

It was already discussed that it would be better as one module. We don't have any kind of hard limit on the size of modules or anything like that, and it's
just simpler to have it in one module.

well but with public export you can easily have an exported module, by separate compilation you might spare something, but again it is a matter of style, I find that in d the main way to partition code are modules.

Clock is used as a namespace of sorts specifically to make the code clearer. You can think of it as a sort of singleton which has the functions which give you
the time from the system clock. I think that it improves useability.

having a separate module for it would give a similar effect

Similarly, IRange is there specifically to namespace the functions which generate functions used to generate ranges. It makes the code clearer to make it clear
that the functions are generating range generative functions.

There were other classes used to namespace code, and it was rightly pointed out that they were unneeded. However, I believe that in these two cases, it's a definite useability improvement to have them. It makes code clearer and easier to

if I alone on this I will not argue, but I definitely have a different style.

- I find that there is a loss of orthogonality between SysTime and
DateTime. For me there are a calendar dates, and absolute points in
time. To interconvert between the two one needs a timezone. I would
associate the timezone with the calendar date and *not* with the
absolute time.
I find that SysTime makes too much effort to be a calendar date
instead of a "point in time".
Also if one wants to use a point in time at low level it should be
"lean and mean", what is the timezone doing there?

I don't really get this. Date and DateTime (and thus TimeOfDay) is intended for calendar use. There is no time zone because you're not dealing with exact times which care about the time zone that they're in. They don't necessarily have any relation to UTC or local time. A lot of calendar stuff isn't going to care one
whit about time zones.

SysTime is specifically supposed to handle the "system time." The system definitely cares about the time zone. You have a local time zone that your system is in. You potentially have to convert between time zones when playing around with time stamps and the like. It's when dealing with the system time that you're really going to care about time zones. So, SysTime includes a time zone, and it is the type to use when you care about the time zone. If you really want dealing with the system time to work correctly in the general case, you need it to have a time zone. I've run into a number of bugs at work precisely because time_t was passed around naked and constantly converted (which, on top of being bug-prone, _cannot_ work correctly due to DST). By having the time in UTC internally at all times and converting it as necessary to the time zone that you
want, you avoid a _lot_ of problems with time.

I see two uses of time, one is calender the other a point in time.
A point in time needs only to know if other events are before or after it, or how far they are. It should definitely use a unique reference point (for example NSDate uses 1 january 2001).
Using UTC is correct, I never argued for something else.
the thing is that a point in tame doesn't *need* a timezone, it needs just a reference point.

A timezone is needed to convert between calender (TimeDate) and a point in time. So if one wants to store a timezone somewhere (and not use it just when converting between point in time and calender date), then I would store it in calender date, because without it I cannot know to which absolute time it refers, and a calendar date is already larger, and the extra storage is probably not something one would care in typical use of the calendar.

Last thing, well is something I would have done differently (as I said already in the past), is using doubles expressing number of seconds to
represent point in time, durations, and TimeOfDay. I know other
differs about this, but I really think that it is a very simple and
versatile type.

doubles aren't precise. And having the units associated with a duration rather than having a naked number really helps to avoid bugs due to programmers
assuming the wrong units for times.

ms accuracy over more than 100'000 years, and much higher for smaller ranges doesn't seems to imprecise to me, and having *only* seconds with them should not confuse people. I don't argue against having functions using ints, but I think that having also a double based interface and using it internally for point in time, and timeofday, and at least having it as option (i.e. function returning the value) for normal durations would be good. I agree that for calender and calender differences it is not the best choice, but a calendar is not what is used at a low level (to set an alarm for example), one should not force the calendar issues on the more basic point in time.


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