"Adam D. Ruppe" <destructiona...@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> We already have a D block syntax!
> =====
> void myfun(void delegate() lol) {
>        lol();
> }
> void main() {
>        myfun = {
>                assert(0, "lol");
>        };
> }
> ======
> Totally compiles. :-P
> It works with delegate arguments too!
> ========
> void myfun(void delegate(string) lol) {
>        lol("say it ");
> }
> void main() {
>        myfun = (string what) {
>                assert(0, what ~ " lol");
>        };
> }
> ==========
> Whoa.
> (note that while I'm only a little serious here - that actually
> looks fine to me - I don't think the language needs a change
> here. }); doesn't bother me one bit.)

I'm sure that's going to disappear when D's properties get implemented as 

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