The following program illustrates the problems with inlining in the dmd compiler. Perhaps with some more work I can reduce it to a smaller test case. I was playing around with a simple Array template, and noticed that similar C++ code performs much better. This is due, at least in part, to opIndex not being properly inlined by dmd. There are two sort functions, quickSort1 and quickSort2. quickSort1 indexes an Array data structure. quickSort2 indexes raw pointers. quickSort2 is roughly 20% faster on my core i7.

import std.stdio;
import std.random;
import std.conv;
import std.algorithm;
import std.range;

struct Array(T)

 this(int length) { resize(length); }
 this(T[] a) { append(a); }

   if(!base.array) return;
   ArrayBase!T old;
   old = base;
   base.array = null;
   reserve(old.length(), old.length());
   old.array = null;

 void clear() { base.clear(); }

 void resize(int sz)
   assert(sz >= 0);
   if(sz == 0) return clear();
   if(!base.array) reserve(sz, sz);
   *base.lengthPtr() = sz;

 void reserve(int capacity, int length)
   assert(length <= capacity);
   if(capacity == 0) return clear();
   ArrayBase!T old;
     if(base.capacity() >= capacity) return;
     old.array = base.array;
     base.array = null;
   base.array = cast(ubyte*)(new ubyte[capacity*T.sizeof+8]);
   *base.lengthPtr() = length;
   *base.capacityPtr() = capacity;

   for(int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) emplace!T(;
   if(old.array) copyData(old);

 int length() const { return base.length(); }
 int capacity() const { return base.capacity(); }

 bool empty() const { return base.array == null; }

 ref T at(int i)
assert(!empty(), "Array of " ~ T.stringof ~ ": index " ~ to!string(i) ~ " out of bounds of empty array"); assert(i >= 0 && i < length(), "Array of " ~ T.stringof ~ ": index " ~ to!string(i) ~ " out of bounds 0-" ~ to!string(length()-1));

 ref const T at(int i) const
assert(!empty(), "Array of " ~ T.stringof ~ ": index " ~ to!string(i) ~ " out of bounds of empty array"); assert(i >= 0 && i < length(), "Array of " ~ T.stringof ~ ": index " ~ to!string(i) ~ " out of bounds 0-" ~ to!string(length()-1));

 const ref T opIndex(int i) const { return at(i); }
 void opIndexAssign(T t, int i) { at(i) = t; }
 void opIndexAssign(ref T t, int i) { at(i) = t; }

 void opAssign(ref const Array!T array)

 void opAssign(T[] array)
   int len = array.length;
   for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) at(i) = array[i];

 void copy(ref const Array!T array)
   if(array.empty()) return clear();
   int len = array.length();
   reserve(len, len);
   for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) at(i) = array[i];

 void opOpAssign(string op, A...)(A a) if(op == "~")

 ref T front() { return at(0); }
 const ref T front() const { return at(0); }
 ref T back() { return at(length()-1); }
 const ref T back() const { return at(length()-1); }

 ref T appendOne()
   int sz = length();
   int sp = capacity();
   if(sp > sz) (*base.lengthPtr())++;
     sp = max(2, sp+sp/2, sz);
     reserve(sp, sz);
   return back();

 void append(A...)(A a)
static if(a.length == 1 && (is(typeof(a[0]) == Array!T) || is(typeof(a[0]) == T[])))
   } else {

 void appendTuple(A...)(A a)
   foreach(x; a) appendOne() = x;

 void appendComposite(A)(A a)
   int prevLen = length();
   resize(prevLen + a.length);
   for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) at(i+prevLen) = a[i];


     static struct ArrayBase(T)

           ~this() { clear(); }
           void clear() { if(array) delete array; }

           int length() const { return array ? *lengthPtr() : 0; }
           int capacity() const { return array ? *capacityPtr() : 0; }
           int* lengthPtr() const { return cast(int*)(array); }
           int* capacityPtr() const { return cast(int*)(array+4); }
           T* data() const { return cast(T*)(array+8); }

           ubyte* array;

 ArrayBase!T base;

 void copyData(ref ArrayBase!T array)
   int copyLen = min(length, array.length());
   for(int i = 0; i < copyLen; i++) { at(i) =[i]; }

static bool less(T)(T a, T b) { return a < b; }

void insertionSort1(T, alias L = less!T)(ref Array!T a, int low, int high)
 for(int i = low; i <= high; i++)
   int min = i;
   for(int j = i + 1; j <= high; j++)
     if(L(a[j], a[min])) min = j;
   swap(a[i], a[min]);

int partition1(T, alias L = less!T)(ref Array!T a, int p, int r)
     T x = a[r];
     int j = p - 1;
     for (int i = p; i < r; i++)
           if (L(x, a[i])) continue;
           swap(a[i], a[++j]);
     a[r] = a[j + 1];
     a[j + 1] = x;
     return j + 1;

void quickSort1(T, alias L = less!T)(ref Array!T a, int p, int r)
 if(p + 7 > r) return insertionSort1!(T, L)(a, p, r);
 if (p < r)
           int q = partition1!(T, L)(a, p, r);
           quickSort1!(T, L)(a, p, q - 1);
           quickSort1!(T, L)(a, q + 1, r);

void sort1(T, alias L = less!T)(ref Array!T a) { quickSort1!(T, L)(a, 0, a.length()-1); }

void insertionSort2(T, alias L = less!T)(T *a, int low, int high)
 for(int i = low; i <= high; i++)
   int min = i;
   for(int j = i + 1; j <= high; j++)
     if(L(a[j], a[min])) min = j;
   swap(a[i], a[min]);

int partition2(T, alias L = less!T)(T *a, int p, int r)
     T x = a[r];
     int j = p - 1;
     for (int i = p; i < r; i++)
           if (L(x, a[i])) continue;
           swap(a[i], a[++j]);
     a[r] = a[j + 1];
     a[j + 1] = x;
     return j + 1;

void quickSort2(T, alias L = less!T)(T *a, int p, int r)
 if(p + 7 > r) return insertionSort2!(T, L)(a, p, r);
 if (p < r)
           int q = partition2!(T, L)(a, p, r);
           quickSort2!(T, L)(a, p, q - 1);
           quickSort2!(T, L)(a, q + 1, r);

void sort2(T, alias L = less!T)(T *a, int length) { quickSort2!(T, L)(a, 0, length-1); }

double[] vals;

void bench1()
 Array!double v;
 for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
   v = vals;

void bench2()
 Array!double v;
 for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
   v = vals;
   sort2(&v[0], v.length);

void main()
 Mt19937 gen;
 vals.length = 1000;
 for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) vals[i] = uniform(0.0,1000.0);

 ulong[] times = [0, 0];
 for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
   auto times2 = benchmark!(bench1, bench2)(1);
   times[0] += times2[0];
   times[1] += times2[1];
 writeln("Sorting with Array.opIndex: ", times[0]);
 writeln("Sorting with pointers: ", times[1]);
 writeln(100.0 * (times[0]-times[1]) / times[0], " percent faster");

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