On 2010-12-14 20:03, Adam Ruppe wrote:
Have you tried, for example, CoffeeScript:

I have not - my main problem with Javascript isn't so much the
language as the browsers in which it runs, which is why I feel things
like emscripten (and google native client) are pretty useless.

Browsers are good for displaying html pages. Javascript is good
for enhancing those html pages. But they aren't very good at full
blown applications.

I agree, I don't like it either, just trying to make the best of the situation.

I do have a list of flames against javascript the language too,
but none of them are huge in context.

Anyway looking at the coffeescript website... it looks like my worst
nightmare: something inspired by a mixing of Python and Ruby! I
don't think I could handle that.

Since I'm quite a big fan of Ruby I like it.

/Jacob Carlborg

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