
see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_class 

I have tried several times to express the idea of using intervaces (only) for 
template case selection. Instead of a combination of really penible & hardly 
readible is() expressions and adhoc functions like isRandomAccessRange. (No 
chance in these trials ;-)
Just discovered this idea is actually the same as 'type classes' introduced in 
Haskell (not that I'm a fan of functional programming, just stepped on the 
article by chance).
D does not need any new language feature: interfaces are perfect for that.

Maybe the syntax could be slightly extended to allow expressing negative 
constraints, like the following (defining an interface for types that support 
'==', but not comp)
    interface EqualityOnly : Equality !: Comparable {} 

-- -- -- -- -- -- --
vit esse estrany ☣


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