On Tue, 14 Dec 2010 22:11:59 +0100
Simon Buerger <k...@gmx.net> wrote:

> > So since we have the opportunity to decide now for eternity the right
> > thing, I think reference semantics works great with containers.  
> Indeed. Whichever way to go, you need a good reason.

There is not nay good technical answer.
The only answer is semantic, on a per-application basis: it depends on what the 
collection actually represents. Every container, just like a composite element 
(struct vs class (*)) can be required on both value & ref version. That's why 
we cannot decide,there will always be people on both sides based on personal 
preferences and previous experiences.
Value vs ref has nothing to do with the data type. We could go on arguing on 
this question until the end of times ;-)


(*) That's I regret D structs (unlike eg Oberon's record) do not have the full 
expressiveness of classes (miss extension/inheritance and method dispatch 
according to runtime-type).
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
vit esse estrany ☣


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