On Thu, 16 Dec 2010 03:11:40 +0300, Craig Black <craigbla...@cox.net> wrote:

When I try to use Phobos to sort my custom Array, it goes into an infinite loop. I suspect I did something wrong with my Range struct. Does anyone see an obvious flaw here?


  this(ref Array!T array)
    if(array.empty()) return;
   start = &array.front();
   end = &array.back();

end points to last actual element

  this(T *_start, T *_end)
   start = _start;
   end = _end;


   Range opSlice(int a, int b) { return Range(start+a, start+b); }

in opSlice second index points _after_ last element you want. a[0..1] -- range of length 1. You need to fix b by -1.

I wonder what kind of assert would catch this one...

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