On Wed, 22 Dec 2010 18:26:33 -0500
Gary Whatmore <n...@spam.sp> wrote:

> Ary Borenszweig Wrote:
> > You said Lua is a joke language. It doesn't seem to be one...
> Okay then, maybe it's not completely true. I meant it doesn't work in large 
> scale applications unlike a static systems programming language. Need to 
> study how extensively it's used in that game. I just tihkn being popular 
> doesn't mean it's not a joke. Think about PHP !

I find your assertions rather pointless, if not meaningless. Lua is certainly a 
joke language in D's preferred applications domains, just like D is a joke 
language as an embedded, data-description, or user-scripting language.
And precisely: the fact that Lua (well helped by LuaJIT) can outperform D on 
its own terrain --even if on a single example-- should give you *even more 
_respect_* for this language and its designers. (And raise serious worries 
about D ;-)

-- -- -- -- -- -- --
vit esse estrany ☣


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