On Thu, 23 Dec 2010 01:31:29 -0500
"Nick Sabalausky" <a...@a.a> wrote:

> > Looks like a good enhancement for rdmd. That it doesn't "fail 
> > successfully" is a bug.

May I suggest that rmdm prints out the command it sends to dmd (even when 
successful)? Not only it's "educative" but it should provide the correct list 
of modules ;-) (so that solving the issue about C files is then 3s work).

> @spir: rdmd's command-line syntax is like this:
> rdmd {args to dmd and rdmd} app.d {args sent to app.exe}
> So anything after the first *.d param is automatically considered a param 
> for when rdmd runs the app your building, not for rdmd/dmd. Of course, if 
> you're using --build-only, then such params just simply get ignored. In 
> short, you have to do it like this:
> rdmd --build-only -ofmyProg myCFuncs.o myProg.d

Right, than you. Anyway finishing with the "program" module (the only only one 
that should have a main()) makes sense. And if it's for running its args come 
But the: how would rdmd makes the distinction when a prog happens to apply on 
modules? (You know, refactoring tools or such). My choice would be that they 
must first be 'built-only'.

> Unfortunately, that still doesn't work with the official version of rdmd. 
> However...
> @Andrei: I submitted an rdmd patch for this not too long ago:
> http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4928
> It fixes this problem for object files, static library files, ".def" files 
> and response files.


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vit esse estrany ☣


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