Hi.  I am new here (and new to D) and just wanted to share the URL for a
page that I put together for myself to use as I am learning the language.


This page is just a custom Google search of some of the more common D
related web pages that I have found.  My purpose is to have an easy way to
search without a lot of the non-D results that I typically get.  Is there
already something like this out there?

Here are the sites that I have included right now.  Are there any other good
D sites that you would add?

     - digitalmars.com/d/
     - dsource.org
     - d-programming-language.org
     - prowiki.org/wiki4d/
     - bitbucket.org/goshawk/gdc/wiki/Home
     - dprogramming.com
     - quit-clan.de/docwiki/
     - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D_(programming_language)


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