class SerializableObject
  void describe( PropertyDescription d )

== Quote from Sean Kelly ('s article
> Michel Fortin Wrote:
> >
> > So because of all this virtual dispatch and all this rigidity, I think
> > Formatter needs to be rethought a little. My preference obviously goes
> > to satically-typed formatters. But what I'd like to see is something
> > like this:
> >
> >     interface Serializable(F) {
> >             void writeTo(F formatter);
> >     }
> >
> > Any object can implement a serialization for a given formatter by
> > implementing the interface above parametrized with the formatter type.
> I like it.  There needs to be some way to hold format-specific state info for 
> a
stream though.  I guess this could be done via an external hash (stream address 
formatter state), but it would be nicer if this could be stored in the stream
itself somehow.

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