On Wed, 29 Dec 2010 14:42:53 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu <seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> wrote:

On 12/27/10 6:55 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 12/27/10 12:35 PM, bearophile wrote:
Through Reddit I have found a link to some information about the Clay
language, it wants to be (or it will be) a C++-class language, but
it's not tied to C syntax. It shares several semantic similarities
with D too. It looks like a cute language:

FWIW I just posted a response to a question asking for a comparison
between Clay and D2.


That thread is shaping up more and more interesting because it's turning into a discussion of generic programming at large.

I wanted to address your post in the reddit discussion regarding the issue of operator overloads not being virtual:

"This non-issue has been discussed in the D newsgroup. You can implement virtuals on top of non-virtuals efficiently, but not vice versa."

I've found some very real problems with that, when implementing operator overloads in dcollections. It's forced me to use the (yet to be deprecated) opXXX forms. Specifically, you cannot use covariance with templated functions without repeating the entire implementation in the derived class. Also, let's not forget, templates can't be used in interfaces, which means no operator overloading in interfaces.

Related bug:



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